Stock Technical Analysis Course – What You Need To Know About Maxims
A technical analysis course will help you learn that there are sayings out there that can justify most things. There’s always a maxim that is plausible that seems to take opposed actions and justify them . No matter what the event a description can be provided by a maxim. Many traders choose a maxim that will support their actions. Orin Thevault (Commodity Futures Game, Who Wins, Who loses,Why! – Mcgraw Hill ) states that according to sociologists, this is now known as “selective perception” . This maxim provides some comfort to the trader when he ends up having a loss or gets a profit that is smaller than he should have had.
Often traders that are successful scoff at maxims, that are overly general and have no predictive value and they are more for a random walk explanation rather than for a real plan for trading. He thinks that trading success requires more than just than the right choice of a maxim.
“Nothing is so useless as a general maxim” .
- Thomas Babington
Lord – Macaulay – 1859
In theory , if there was a maxim or rule that was always correct it would be so used that its validity would be eliminated. Human nature is such that any valid maxims are broken with monotonous regularity . So, if we do have a good maxim , it doesn ‘t mean very much does it ? People probably won’t pay a lot of attention to it . Everything can’t be remembered after all. Maybe Lord Macaulay had it right . There are some of those maxims out there, which can be used in commodity trading . And, some of them are rather profound and should be committed to memory . You can make your own choice. In fact , I suggest that you make you’re own collection of maxims that are good to you and test and question these maxims repeatedly.
The most effective approach to the objective of maximizing results is playing a game that is favorable on a small scale , but still offering a good chance of success , is on a large scale playing a game that is favorable avoiding ruin with enough early profits . A game that is unfavorable can bring up profitable results if you rarely play and bet big. The only road that leads inevitably to disaster is going with an unfavorable game all the time. You can learn more about this by taking a stock technical analysis course.
When a good sport dies, he’s broke.
Sure things don’t exist .
Traders sleep, markets don’t .
Dialog is appropriate if the mutual goal is enlightenment .
Success by accident usually turns into failure by accident .
There are negative and positive aspects to winning .
The many can’t accomplish what the few can do .
Along the line of least resistance is a good place to take a position.
Sell off famine and purchase glut .
Sell news and buy rumors .
A bull can make money. A bear can make money, but a hog never can .
Sell too soon and avoid buying at the bottom .
Buy what will not go down in a bear market . Never buy something that won’t go up in a bull market .
Many a healthy reaction has proved fatal .
When market opinion leans to one side watch for a trend .
Patience is imporant . Wait for potential high profits.
Don’t trade often unless the plan you have requires you to often take positions.
There isn’t a maxim that someone won’t find a problem with.
Hoard half the profits you make .
Money is easier to make than it is to keep .
The race doesn’t always go to the swift or the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet .
If it can go wrong, it will go wrong
No matter your results, someone else will make up a better fake one .
No matter what the result, there’s always someone eager to misinterpret it .
When you collect data , the figure that is most obviously correct – beyond all need of correcting -is a mistake .
It may be impossible to get a wrong number, but you can still find some way to do this.
Wide is the road that leads you to destruction.
Cut you’re losses. Let you’re profits run .
( it’s like telling somebody to stay happy and healthy . )
On down days, only buy . On up days you should only sell .
Only the school of hard knocks teaches better than a stock technical analysis course.